Ahmad - Ahmad


Ahmad - Ahmad 1994

An excellent lyricist with a smooth voice and great flow, Ahmad (who was only 18 when he made this), this man is spit. Delivers an upbeat, laid-back street tale about making the best of growing up in a poor neighborhood, reminiscing about the joys of being a kid on his huge hit trying to keep from going under ("The Jones"), enjoying the local party atmosphere ("The Palladium"), and basically proving that it is entirely possible to overcome the troubles faced by growing inner-city kids. I remember when "Back In The Day"(Remix) was first played on the radio. This release promotion on Warner Bros/Wea label.
*See Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4irQa0Ig7tU

1. Freak
2. Back In The Day (Album Version)
3. Touch The Ceiling
4. The Jones'
5. Can I Party?
6. You Gotta Be...
7. We Want The Funk
8. The Palladium
9. Homeboys First
10. Ordinary People
11. Back In The Day (Remix)
12. Back In The Day (Jeep Mix)

Pz, AD

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Totally new for me!!!! no joda este underground no termina de llega el fondo...
paz bro